Human-Centered PRocess

Delivers Better Results and Expectations

LINX is at the forefront of addressing the new hybrid work environment, through our human-centered Design – Build Process. LINX leverage’s Design Thinking, an iterative and nonlinear process utilized to transform your needs and budget into a final design solution. Focusing on each person’s experience — whether they are in the office or at home — LINX creates an equitable environment.

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Design Thinking Stages

The root of our Design-Build Process is Design Thinking. Through six stages, we consider:

Budget — People — Space — Products — Supply Chain Being an iterative and nonlinear process,

Design Thinking is utilized to transform your needs into a final design solution.

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Centered around the human experience, LINX begins our Design – Build Process by understanding your needs. Client interviews inform us of unique needs, desired use of the space, and current pain points.

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Informed of your goals, we dive into how you use your current space and technology. Seeing how you work allows us to identify issues you may not have noticed and find the most creative solution.

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Everything LINX learned in the first two stages is documented and reviewed with the goal to keep human needs at the forefront. As the LINX Design Thinking process is not always linear, we may repeat the first two steps until all needs are addressed.

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Armed with the knowledge of how you work, every visible pain point, and your goals, we create multiple solutions to each issue. These ideas are then discussed and refined into a final design concept.

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Your design concept is crafted into a final design solution, first through a virtual prototype and then brought into reality in the LINX Production Room — where intentional design and engineering enable a more efficient, clean, accurate, and working build before it gets to the job site. Prototyping happens in parallel with construction of your new space to help:

Remain On-Time — On-Schedule — Minimize Disruptions to Ops — Immediate Install

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In the Production Room, during install, and post install, we continually test your product, ensuring it not only technically works, but also solves all your needs. Our ongoing support is end-user focused so that the final product continues to be the best solution.

LINX’s Design – Build Process and Production Room allows us to deliver on our promise to eXpect Accountability, eXpect Flexibility, and eXpect it Done! This iterative process keeps the human in the center — rather than just technology.

We’re in business because we like solving problems.
We stay in business because our systems are helping you do business better.

Create Your Equitable Digital Experience with LINX

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